About Marcus

I am a dedicated London-based practitioner in the field of Holistic Relationship and Sexuality Therapy and well respected by my clients. I am a first class honours graduate of Psychology from Thames Valley University, Ealing, London, am a member of the British Psychological Society (BPS), membership no. 470124, a member of the International Institute of Complementary Therapists (IICT) (membership no. 1812025736) and established my private practice in 2002. I specialise in supporting alternative non-traditional sexual relationships and stereotypes. My aim is for you to achieve successful intimate relationships, sex and gender wholeness and good mental health. I invite you to ask me to describe exactly what it means to feel emotions directly. Much of the content of my website is stuff I have personally experienced and have been through myself.

From a very young age I could pick up on subtle energies around me, and this guided me to my destiny in spiritual counselling and therapy. At school in the 1970s and 1980s, my teachers often described me as being a sensitive, thoughtful and empathetic child. I have always been in tune with my own and others’ sexualities. My unique quality is that I dare to get up-close-and-personal to match you in your hours of need as I serve you. I will match your emotion with my empathy.

I loosely use established psychological theories as a basis for my therapies. My sessions involve intuitive counselling & psychological techniques, as well as modern holistic and spiritual approaches, all of which, bring together a more complete and unified way of healing. During these sessions, I will help you to dive deep into your ‘being’ and help you to connect with yourself and others. I will assist you to enable you to bring your thoughts and trapped emotions to the surface in an empathetic, safe and nurturing environment. These trapped emotions will be exchanged and replaced with new thought patterns into the same spaces (in the brain) the trapped emotions were occupying, producing an alchemical energy shift that results in new ways of thinking. Toxic emotions are held in the physical body. Releasing these ‘toxins’ gives your physical body back to you.

I am passionate about helping you create healthy, secure and loving relationships that bring long-term joy and satisfaction. I would like you not just to crave change, but to have ‘enthusiastic curiosity’. I am a therapist who helps people overcome their fear and anxiety to create happy and rewarding lives. I invite you to connect to my ‘learned’ collective wisdom of enlightened spirituality, with the aim of positively energising your mind, body, soul & spirit. 

..my medicine cabinet..

..my medicine cabinet..