Today, I held court, giving Morning Assembly at St. Paul’s Gils’ School, Brook Green, London, UK. The subject was: DRAGONS AND ME: Inclusion, Diversity, and Multiculturalism within the family history of Marcus Nicholson (an Australian, Chinese, English and Scotsman). Below are some of the comments..

..this email arrived within 5 minutes of me finishing Assembly.. Monday 22 November 2021..

..a WhatsApp conversation later that evening with a history teacher at the school..


(permission granted) Some days are just extraordinary, and I never get bored with this job.

Today, I was sitting here just minutes before the consultation waiting for inspiration, when suddenly, a Peter Gabriel track from 1982 sprung into my head - "The Family And The Fishing Net" -from his 4th untitled album (sometimes referred to as "Security". I had already played several other pieces of music - as I always do before every consultation. Today, none of the pieces I was playing resonated with my intuitive energetic energies.

Just before the scheduled start, I messaged 'them' and said for them to let themselves in through my door-stopper-held-open front door after I buzz them in, and to 'close' the door behind them - and sit on the sofa closest to where they can see my fingers playing, the sofa I usually sit on.

Most of the chord sequences in this particular Peter Gabriel track are not conventional, in that, it may take a musician or someone who knows a little about music to make sense of some of these chord sequences. The musical notation is haunting, unusual, invokes sadness, disappointment, while at the same time - allows baring one's soul during a ritual (which is explained through the lyrics).

While I was playing this piece, I 'maneuvered' my eyes and tilted my head to the left towards my client to simply relax and enjoy this experience [with the expressed intention on my part to invite my spirit guides, Universal energies, the Akashic Records (energetic energies) of my ancestors - particularly my Chinese Grandfather, and to call upon the wisdom of my still-living 94 year old Dad].

After I had finished playing this piece, they got up off the sofa and immediately went to 'their' [sacred] space opposite me, where I usually position the 'client' sofa up against the wall opposite.

At this point, I made a comment suggesting that I hope this unplanned musical piece may invoke a slightly altered state of consciousness. The reply back, was yes, and getting fuzzier.. [I was glad with this response.]

The subject matter (which of course will remain secret) was causing me high levels of cognitive dissonance. So, I decided to give myself no choice (!) but to 'dig-deep' and find alternative ways to 'energetically' jump into their space of the subject matter we had agreed upon at the end of the last session. I was trusting my intuition to lead me to a quicker 'connector-route'. It worked.

Reflection: It is my assertion that through the process of Music Therapy I was able to bridge the gap between practitioner-and-client so 'we' could 'occupy' the same 'etheric' energies for me to metaphorically 'jump' into their trauma/s and re-organise/stir-up/rattle the 'uncompleted' energies surrounding the trauma/s within a time-frame quick enough to change the synaptic connections in the brain associated with the negative energies surrounding the location of the trauma/s elsewhere in all other possible areas of the body.

Today I learned how to 'energetically sit' in someone else's 'past and still current traumas', trauma/s of which I have only experienced to a lesser extent in my life. The expressed aim of this process is to open up these FELT SENSES in the client's body, and to 'exorcise' the negative emotions/traumas by 'allowing' these traumas to 'be able to be completed'. To explain more fully - the reason why traumas in the body exist is because these traumas have "not been allowed to be completed". You know when a trauma still exists in your body - as there is always some sort of feeling or energy associated with unresolved trauma. Often, this exists within people who 'endure' (I prefer this word) post-traumatic-stress-disorder (PTSD), or even CHRONIC PTSD.

I am in a new energetic space today. I have up-levelled, up-scaled, and up-spiritualised from the position I held only just yesterday. Wouldn't it be just SO boring staying as you are and never to learn anything new?

Marcus x



While I went on my daily jaunt to the gym and river walk/meditation, a dear friend of mine was participating in a myofascial bodywork trauma-release massage in my home with my massage therapist business partner.

When I came home one hour later, I kept my headphones on while in the kitchen, awaiting a tap on my shoulder from my business partner.

Another one hour later, I received that tap on the shoulder. I was invited back into this "exorcised space" and observed the energetic gaze of my dear friend.

One word, AMAZING !

UPDATE: the second session has been booked!



A recent client of mine brought up a subject, a subject I want to share with you all.


My Mum passed all of these on to me: shame, guilt, anxiety, trust issues, grief and loss. It is only around now, at age 51, that I am just beginning to be more OK with how I carried these all most of my life, and still do.

In my wider circle of friends, I still do feel some of them judging me for all sorts of reasons, and when I "feel it", it goes straight to my core and still makes me jump 'energetically' - which is why I am currently slimming down my interactions with people who cause me grief. They still don't know that it is they who are also still feeling shame, guilt, anxiety, grief and loss - and transferring this stuff onto others.

I don't think my Mum 'accepted' me until she was on her deathbed in 2014, and at that point I suspect she finally 'accepted' herself.

It was my feelings of worthlessness and lack of confidence that kept me striving for a better version of myself tomorrow from today - although these days, I still use these sometimes negative thoughts and energies to keep me on a grounded path, while hoping I keep my ego as balanced as I can each day.

I have now decided that a lot of the negative emotions I still have ARE the fuel for me getting me out of my shell and expressing to the world that not all of me is OK, but that I am OK with me generally, and that I am also OK with all the stuff about me that I am still not OK with - and when I openly and outwardly express how I am with myself and the world, I am allowing myself to be vulnerable (each and every time) and I continue to "trust" each new situation with a view that - maybe someone will break my trust - but, that is still ok ! I am already ready for that.

In the last 6 months or so, I have moved on a lot recently, and the exceptionally high quality of my clients are really testing me to my absolute limits on every subject possible. It is all of you out there who are teaching me to be a better version of myself each new day.





Today I welcomed another new client, who was a word-of-mouth of a word-of-mouth..

One and a half hours before they arrived I wanted to play my piano, as I always do, to help me relax and get into their head-space. I tried to play 3 different tracks - it was not possible.

When they arrived they told me that one and a half hours ago, at exactly the same time I was trying to play the piano, they had an upset stomach and was physically sick. I then mentioned to them I was trying to play the piano at THAT exact same time. I couldn't.

As always, I also pre-prepared the room with the crystals based on our earlier introductory phone conversation necessary before all future clients’ consultations - which ended up being HEART-CENTRED, meaning that I would have to place some of my PINK and GREEN coloured stones, which are chakra-related to the heart, on the table that sits in-between us. I also was thinking about, but did not act upon, placing ALL my large BLUE LAPIS LAZULI stones, which are chakra-related to the THROAT, but decided not to. Again, I mentioned this to them, and they said to me that BLUE is actually the colour they needed to work on. So, I mentioned back to them what my intention was before they arrived. I then placed the 5 BLUE LAPIS'S in front of them.

Moving on to the rest of this session , the session ended two hours later, with roughly 50 different stones around them, sending their energies to them (the client). They (the client) said this caused even more upset to their stomach. Then they (the client) said to me that they (the client) re-energized the stones sitting in front of them, and also, that they (the client) also re-energized all the stones in my CRYSTAL MEDICINE CABINET.



..the stones used..

..the stones used..
