In these past few months (during lock down), I have been working extremely hard on my spiritually-energetic diet to open, upgrade and upscale my pineal gland. The organic micro-nutrients I am now eating in abundance are beginning to have an effect on my overall spiritual development, and hence, I have now decided to link this process with my favourite meditative music. This webpage is the result of having a conversation with Duncan Barkes on BBC Radio London 94.9 in May 2020, when he asked punters to phone in with their best British artists. Naturally, I just had to suggest..

Click on any of the links below, and you will hear some absolutely amazing stuff (in my humble opinion). Before you decide to listen to these tracks, decide what mood you are in. When you start listening to a track, if you are not in the mood for that track, move on to the next immediately - until you find one suitable.

There are some surprises here as well. You just need to find them. This page is constantly updated, so, please visit this page regularly.

Marcus 2 favourite hobbies.. 2 favourite hobbies..

UPDATE 16-07-2020

At 2pm today I had my 3rd myofascial bodywork trauma-release massage from my Massage Therapist business partner. It was absolutely amazing, just like the other 2.

The amount of stored emotion and stored trauma in my upper chest area was actually quite alarming. Each pressure point he worked on showed just how much 'stuff' there was still hanging around. [I always ask him to apply the relevant maximum pressure on ever pressure point that needs myofascial release.] Today was one of those days when I felt I needed all of these pressure valves opened up. This is not for the faint hearted.

The heat that was released from my body was unbelievable. He was sweating throughout! With all of what has gone on in the world over the last few months, with hindsight, I suppose I shouldn't really have been that surprised how much energy was released. At one point during the trauma-release, I did vocalise to him that I felt that 'that bit' was the last bit of 'exorcising' out of me my getting over the covid infection I believe I had in March. It was all about the chest.

Today's massage also brought up the issue of what therapists take-on when working with their clients. Over the last 4 months, it was quite clear that I was not exorcising out of me enough residual energetic energies that my clients pass onto me (energies of which, I welcome by the way - as this is a necessary part of the process).

It is now 10pm, and my body is getting used to this feeling of trauma-release freedom once again. Until you experience such a release, it is virtually impossible to describe. I still can't describe it! For those of you who are ready for such a release, I can heartily recommend this. If you want total and absolute authenticity in everything that is you, go for it ! Marcus.


(See how many times you can listen to either of these first two tracks, until you tire of them. Then move on to the next. Just do this with these first two tracks. I chose these tracks specifically to start you off on this journey of music discovery.)

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(When listening to Ascension (Analepsis version), make sure you are not walking, as your footsteps will interfere through your headphones significantly, as this track is extremely ambient and full of droning..)

my Mother, Shirlee..

my Mother, Shirlee..

72424380_637254113348103_4066557177102336000_o.jpg 2 favourite hobbies.. 2 favourite hobbies..