My Unique Selling Point..


Whenever you're not willing to feel an emotion, your choices and behaviours stem from your avoidance of that emotion. Your resistance runs your life and is directly contrary to your overall best interest. Similarly, traumas are incidents unable to be completed. The energies of these traumas are stored in our body until they can be released. I assist you to unlock these traumas by reactivating the emotional responses to these trapped emotions, which unlocks the synapses in the brain, allowing new positive emotional learning to replace the old trauma. Your energy field then becomes less dense, & a new sense of freedom takes hold.

I specialize in working with the LGBTIQ+ and straight communities, and I coach them to reclaim their true authentic selves, so they can achieve relationship, sex and gender wholeness. My unique quality is that I dare to get up-close-and-personal to match you in your hours of need as I serve you.

I am passionate about helping you create healthy, secure and loving relationships that bring long-term joy and satisfaction. I would like you to have ‘enthusiastic curiosity’ about change. I help people overcome their fear and anxiety to create happy and rewarding lives. I invite you to connect to my ‘learned’ collective wisdom of enlightened spirituality.

Marcus +447767456774

© 2020