(for conference talks, and clients’ diet food reconditioning)

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  • definition of eating well (all the food groups)

  • definition of cooking well (not destroying vitamins, minerals & trace elements).

Holistic/Spiritual Approach to Food and Cooking

  • the need to establish a positive emotional attachment to food and cooking (in general)

  • then more specifically, the importance of the familial primary care-giver/s to create a positive emotional bond with food to their children

  • taking notice of familial elders’ cooking knowledge base

  • Mindful eating: the practice of cultivating an open-minded awareness of how the food we choose to eat affects one’s body, feelings, mind, and all that is around us (energetically).

Mind and Body Practicalities

  • food is life - 40% of the energy from food we eat goes directly to feeding our brain to function, showing just how important eating well is for us

  • food is directly responsible for guarding against dis-ease

  • the identification of the 3 brains in the body:

    • we satisfy the first brain (stomach) through eating,

    • so that the second brain (the cranial brain) can function,

    • which then satisfies the 3rd brain (the heart).

Benefits of Learning to Cook

  • Attaining social status (not being able to cook is seen as a failure)

  • Cooking can be a fun activity for two, or more, & for the whole family. It brings people together

  • The ability to improve our health and lifestyle

  • Cooking and baking saves money

  • The ability to give gifts (and of course, they are home-made, and we all know how appreciative people are of receiving such gifts).

What happens when..

  • Learning how to cook is one of the most important skills a person can have.

  • use the example of my Mum and Dad, who did the cooking, and what happened when…

At the very least..

  • basic cooking - the 5 basic sauces - and the derivative meals that come from them:

    • from (1) tomato sauce comes (2) bolognese sauce with the addition of minced meat or vegetarian mince, which then can become lasagne with the addition of flat pasta sheets

    • from (3) white sauce can come soups, or a chicken (4) veloute sauce, which can then become a chicken pie

    • from (5) gravy (reduced stock made from bones and vegetables) comes casseroles, stews

  • the 10 top healthy meals all teenages should be able to cook

    • bread

    • sauces

    • eggs

    • soups

    • salads

    • roast chicken

    • breakfast

    • basic puddings

    • fish

    • easy snacks.

The Basic Styles Of Cooking

  • Eating raw!

  • Boiling

  • Roasting

  • Steaming

  • Frying - shallow and deep

  • Baking

  • Braising

  • Stir-frying

What Foods Raise Our Energetic Vibration?

  • What frequency do humans vibrate at?

    • By testing the response of the human body on a vibrating platform, many researchers found the human whole-body fundamental resonant frequency to be around 5 Hz. However, in recent years, an indirect method has been used which appears to increase the resonant frequency to approximately 10 Hz.

  • Here is a list of some foods that contain lots of healthy energy and vibrate to high frequencies:

    • Fresh fruits

    • Fresh vegetables

    • Nuts

    • Whole grain bread

    • Brown rice

    • Seeds

    • Raw honey

    • Olive oil.

  • Daily home-made Nutribullet (for example) pureed drinks made from raw fruit and vegetables significantly raise our energetic vibration (see my home pictures below).

Seven (7) Foods that Drain Our Energy

  • White Bread, Pasta and Rice (partly because the fiber-containing outer layer of the grain, known as the bran, is removed during processing. Because of this, processed grains contain lower levels of fiber and tend to be digested and absorbed more quickly than whole grains)

  • Breakfast Cereals, Yogurts and Other Foods With Added Sugars. This combination of high sugar and low fiber content can spike blood sugar and insulin levels, leading to a rise in energy, followed by a crash.

  • Alcohol: reduces the quality and duration of your sleep, leading to an overall less restful sleep.

  • Coffee: too much caffeine can negatively affect the quality of your sleep, which can reduce your energy levels over the long term.

  • Energy Drinks: consuming large quantities of added sugars can cause your energy to spike, then drop sharply, potentially causing you to feel more tired than you did before consuming the drink.

  • Fried and Fast Foods: high in fat and low in fiber, two factors that can slow down your digestion.

  • Low-Calorie Foods: including too many of these foods in your diet may lead you to eat an insufficient number of calories throughout the day, which can severely reduce your energy levels.

The Negative Side of Eating

  • What is emotional eating?

    • eating for the wrong reasons

    • for comfort, stress relief, or to reward ourselves

    • using food to make ourselves feel better—to fill emotional needs, rather than our stomachs

    • usually we feel worse afterwards, the emotional issues remain, and we feel guilty for overeating or eating inappropriate foods.


Health food for a healthy heart concept with vegetables, fruit, fish, nuts, seeds, supplement powders, pulses, cereals and herbs used in herbal medicine. High in omega 3, fibre & antioxidants.

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‘Buddha Bowl’: Chicken, chickpeas, broccoli, tomatoes, egg, paprika, & onion.

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Health food for body builders high in protein including dietary supplement powders, fish, meat, dairy, pulses, grains and seeds

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Rainbow colored fruits and vegetables

shutterstock_497140174 (1).jpg daily ‘nutribullet’ raw fruit and vegetable preparation..carrot, raw garlic, raw ginger, raw turmeric root, lime, satsuma, apricot, cavolo nero, blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, banana, capsicum, apple, raw beetroot, chia seeds, raw hone… daily ‘nutribullet’ raw fruit and vegetable preparation..carrot, raw garlic, raw ginger, raw turmeric root, lime, satsuma, apricot, cavolo nero, blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, banana, capsicum, apple, raw beetroot, chia seeds, raw honey, maca powder, ashwagandha powder, spirulina powder, baobab powder, apricot kernels, pumpkin seeds, kelp powder, Himalayan pink salt..

..the raw ingredients just before they are “whizzed up”..add water, of course..

..the raw ingredients just before they are “whizzed up”..add water, of course..