[28/10/2020] (this webpage is inspired by several recent clients..)



All my life, I have been heavily influenced by music. I began playing the piano at the ripe old age of 18 months (!) I learned classical piano up until aged 16. It was during this period that one of my piano teachers realized I have PERFECT PITCH, meaning that without looking at a musical instrument while it is being played, I can tell the pitch and the names of the notes being played. This skill has done me well in the transferal of skills through the recognition of ‘like elements’ from an old skill to the learning of a new skill. It’s all about identifying and utilizing ENERGETIC ENERGIES.

“EXCELLENT ‘HEADPHONES’ (THIS IS THE PICTURE)”, said Peter Gabriel & Laurie Anderson..

(..actually, it was “Excellent ‘Birds’ [This is the Picture]”)

[Peter Gabriel did his version (with Laurie Anderson on his SO album), and Laurie Anderson did her version (with Peter Gabriel on her MISTER HEARTBREAK album)]

Whenever I am in CREATIVE MODE, I chose JUST ONE piece of music, and I repeat listening to this track for the duration of that one ENTIRE creative process. Almost always I choose a track which does not change much pitch-wise, and the base-line note of the track hardly ever changes pitch - if at all. Peter Gabriel describes this as, DRONING. The beat needs to be at a speed that absolutely feeds all your senses without annoying you, but pushes you to your limits of acceptance. The volume needs to be loud enough so you are not being distracted by anything but the music (but is it actually a distraction?). The headphones really do need to be NOISE-CANCELLING. My purpose for listening to such music is to place my mind into a situation where it is not possible to think about all the crap that usually sits firmly within our skulls. The music is so engulfing that almost nothing else is in existence. I become in a trance. In effect, I am, pushing all the negative emotion and trauma out of my head and out of my body - be it only temporarily or not as the case may be. When I reach this STATE, I am MOMENTARILY FREE FROM VIRTUALLY EVERYTHING. The headphones have to be of a quality that fools your mind that you are everywhere and nowhere all at the same time !

In point form:

  • choose NOISE-CANCELLING headphones

  • when in CREATIVE MODE, choose just ONE piece of music, & put it on ‘repeat’

  • choose a track with LITTLE PITCH VARIATION and a minimalistic BASS LINE - preferably where the bass note doesn’t change

  • choose a track where very little happens, this will open your PINEAL GLAND..

  • choose a track with a BEAT that resonates with your nervous system

  • choose a track that is mostly instrumental - words and lyrics spoil the process (there usually has to be this element missing so that your creativity can take over and fill the gaps)

  • always search for the melody of the track - even when this isn’t a melody - in fact ESPECIALLY when there isn’t a melody !

  • ideally, the music should invite a TRANCE-LIKE state

  • choose a VOLUME high enough for the music to get right into your soul, or your soul to get right into the music

  • and finally - the tracks I have chosen here are a guide - it is up to you to find the tracks that do it for you..

Many of the tracks below are, purposely, very similar. This track listing will be constantly updated, so, if you want to take a record of what is here today, I suggest you do so..